Friday, May 4, 2012

Fridays are Fun!

Since I am off work every other Friday, I often get to have the girls for part of the day so that Jaclyn can do an interpreting job.  When I opened the door this morning to see this coming up the sidewalk, I just cracked up.  I'm pretty sure that if these pants would have come in Grandma Schmidt's size, she would have had a pair.

Avery's latest pancake request -- Little Mermaid - but I think it kinda looks more like a caterpillar.
 Growing up waaaaaay too fast!

Kinsley just started doing this this week --
when you say bye-bye, she puckers up -- ready to dish out the kisses!
 Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I definitely agree about your Grandma and the pants. She would probably have worn some fancy high heels with them, purple maybe.