Monday, June 11, 2012

Must Blog Soon!

We have been so busy this past month that I haven't had time to blog -- which is driving me crazy because I have a camera full of fun to share!  We've had our annual Graduation Dinner, Amazing Race III, my Dad's 80th Birthday Party, Disneyland, Mom Krause's 89th Birthday, plus a sleepover and several play dates with our grandbabies. 
So as soon as I finish sewing the travel-size blanket "clones" for Kinsley and get the rough draft of the flowergirl dresses whipped out, I'm going to try to post some of our fun before the next round begins!
My cousin, Melinda, is coming from Switzerland for a visit at the end of the month, then we have the fireworks booth, Avery's 4th birthday, and a 10-day mission trip -- all between now and the 23rd of July! 
I completely do not understand people who fear they will be bored without working -- for me, having to fit a full-time job into my schedule can really be a nuisance sometimes!

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