Friday, April 20, 2012

Precious Moments

Andrew and Jaclyn had to move out of their rental house (it went into foreclosure) which was just a hop, skip and a jump away -- and are in what we refer to as 'temporary housing' on the other side of town.  Every time I'm tempted to whine I am reminded that it could be so much worse -- my babies could be in South Carolina or Iowa or Camarillo -- but let me just say that I hate that they had to move and I hate the drive.

On Wednesday, I went after work to pick up Avery for Cubbies.  Somehow she managed to get into the car with a kazoo.  As soon as the car started moving, she rolled her window down and began singing in her kazoo -- as loud as she could -- singing "Deep and Wide".  Talk about putting a smile on Grammy's face... then for a brief moment she stopped her singing for this conversation:

Avery:  Grammy, do you know my cousins?
Me:  Yes, I know your cousins.
Avery: How do you know my cousins?
Me:  Well, I see them when we go to your Mimi's house for birthday parties and things like that.
Avery:  Oh, yeah, you know my cousins.  Do you know all my friends?
Me:  Well, I know some of your friends.
Avery:  How do you know my friends?
Me:  Well, I've met some of your friends when they come play at your house.
Avery:  Oh, yeah, you know my friends.  Do you know God?
Me:  Yes, I do -- I do know God.
Avery:  How do you know Him?
Me: I read His Words in the Bible and that helps me to know Him better, and I pray and talk to Him every day.   Do you know God?
Avery:  Grammy, I don't read (as if to say, duh!) - I just pray and I sing Him my praises.

And with that, the kazoo was back in her mouth and she was once again singing Him her praises!

I'm done whining about the drive across town.


Kathy D. said...

AND if you don't want to drive across to, I will! Not as far for me. At least you don'thave to fight LAX traffic.
Colette, she is precious! Soon they'll be back close to you, this is only temporary.
Kathy D.

Nancy said...

Ok, that one gave me goose bumps and eyes brimming and definitely a smile!
(And...I'm now on my 4th attempt at trying to type the TWO words to prove I'm not a robot...)