Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

One of my new favorite things to do is dress my backyard bum for the holidays.  It puts a smile on my face when I look outside.  He wore a Santa Hat for Christmas, and it was so cute that I almost hated to take it off.  So when I saw this cute hat and tie, I just knew he had to have it!  The first time Avery came over after he put it on, she looked outside and said, "Oh, look at that old man, he's wearing a hat."  It's not uncommon to catch her having a conversation with the o'l guy while she's playing outside. 
When we bought our house, there was an irredescent gazing ball in that spot.  The husband hated it from day one and deemed it more appropriate for target practice.  So a few months later when some of our friends moved to Oklahoma, we rescued the bum from their back yard and gave him a new home.  I have to say he seems to fit in much better than the gazing ball and we've all become rather fond of him.

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