Monday, March 12, 2012

For Sale: Whatever I Can Find to Get Rid Of!

You know what they say -- just about the time you are fully adjusted to the empty nest, they come back!  Well, we had an empty nest for a couple of years, but two weeks ago Layne moved back home.  Her roommate got engaged and is to be married in June, so they gave up their rental and both girls moved home with their parents.  Layne starts at CSUB next month for her MBA.
Meanwhile, our family has just completed week 5 of 13 of Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University, so we're all getting into the "spend less and save more" mode - and for Layne that translated into selling off her stuff vs. paying for storage.  When she did the math, the value of her household goods just didn't justify what it would cost for a storage locker.  Even though she's getting rid of most of her stuff, we have still been cleaning closets and rearranging to make room for the things she is keeping.  We've made several trips to Goodwill, but what's been more exciting than that is the sales we've made through Craigslist. 
Our first sale was her beloved lime green (or chartreuse) couch/love seat set.  Layne inherited these beauties from my parents when Dad sold the house and it was a little difficult for her to let them go, but we're talking about a set of 40-year-old couches here.  I don't know how much my mom paid for these things 40 years ago, but I can tell you that they came from Poston's Furniture -- which was a lower-end furniture store located next to Rollerama on 34th Street.  On top of that, my aunt worked there as their collector and was able to use her employee discount for Mom's purchase, so I'm going to guess that they were not more than $500.
Well, we listed them on Craigslist and within days they sold for $250.00  --  and that just puts a smile on my face everytime I think about it! 

Our next success story was with Grandma's adjustable vibrating bed (and for some reason, it makes me laugh to just say that).  If my memory is correct, Grandma bought this thing about 30 years ago and I ended up with it after I moved her in with us for her last days here on earth.  I mainly posted them on Craigslist because it was easier than loading this thing up to haul it off -- and to my amazement, it sold within a few days -- for $200.00. 

No kidding - it was that easy.  So yesterday the husband said, "Well, what are you going to sell this week?"  I just smiled and told him he better watch out.  I think he's scared. 


Nancy said...

Oooo, I like this mode! I'm encouraged to get back to following through with getting rid of stuff like I started a few months ago. You go girls!

Anonymous said...

After seeing the "STUFF" in Rusty's Dad's condo, we are going to clean out also. Love the $$$ you got. What treasures.
Kathy D.