Monday, March 5, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday, Kinsley

Kinsley was one year old on February 23rd.  We had a little birthday cake for her on the actual day, but the big party was yesterday.  Wow, this past year has gone so fast I can hardly believe it.  Here's our little Kins...

  •  Kinsley LOVES music and can't keep herself from dancing if there's music playing
  • Kins has a temper -- oh, does she have a temper.  This little thing knows what she wants and when she wants it.  Grammy's praying!
  • Not quite walking -- but very well could have something to do with the fact that she has had some real struggles with ear infections and fluid behind her ears -- meaning she doesn't feel 100% much of the time and just wants to be held.  Looks like she could be on her way to having tubes, but we'll see. 
  • We call her our little peanut, or our little schmug.  She's a tiny little thing, weighing in at a whopping 17 pounds. 
  • She loves to snuggle
  • She loves her Grammy -- nothing to melt a Grammy's heart like the way she lights up when I walk into the room. She'll drop whatever she's doing and crawl as fast as she can to meet me -- and I love it!  


Katie said...

She is a cutie! 17lbs?! What I wouldn't give to carry that little peanut around all day. Charlie thinks his mother needs weight training exercises all day long ;)

Melissa said...

My Eva had to have tubes put in her ears at 10 months and it has been amazing since then. I think we have had one ear infection since the surgery and she is 19 months now. So I will be keeping little kinsley in my prayers that her ears heal.