Tuesday, January 24, 2012

WANTED: Ryan the Photographer!

Wow, it’s been so long since I’ve updated this blog that I don’t even know where to start.  Let’s see – last update was December 16th, so seems logical to maybe start with Christmas. 
I got a new camera for Christmas – a really neat little one that I can carry in my purse and have with me all the time.  I was excited about this because my “big” camera has been broken for well over a year and I’ve really missed having a decent camera. 
So I got a new camera, but didn’t use it to take a single picture of Christmas!  How could that happen, you say?  Well, with the exception of a little “after-Christmas” lunch we had at my sister’s, every Christmas gathering we had was at our house.  We started on Friday night the 23rd with a house full of high schoolers.  Then we had our immediate family for breakfast and gift opening on Saturday morning, the 24th.  After church in the evening of the 24th, we had our immediate family plus Jaclyn’s parents for dinner.  And on Sunday the 25th, we went to church then came home and hosted the Krause Family Christmas Dinner (well, 25 of them that is).  So needless to say, I was busy. 
On top of that, Andrew & Jaclyn had a friend staying with them during the month of December – Ryan.  Ryan is a photographer and he and his camera attended all of our family gatherings, too.  So I let Ryan do all the picture taking and just thoroughly enjoyed my company.  Now here’s the catch:  Ryan left – with his camera and my Christmas pictures.   I haven’t lost hope that I’ll get them someday – but it’s probable that I may be blogging about Christmas in July.  In the meantime, if you happen to see Ryan, tell him that Mama Krause is still waitin’ for the pictures!
Okay, now I must also mention what Ryan DID do for me before he left.  Ryan fixed my "big" camera!  Somehow the flip-up flash on my Canon EOS Rebel malfunctioned and got messed up.  Anyway, my camera absolutely would not work.  So I took it into the camera shop and they quickly informed me that it would cost  me $300 to have the camera sent to Canada for evaluation.  Then I would hear back from them as to whether they could fix it or not.  I walked out of the shop, telling them I would have to think about that.  I've been thinking about it for a very long time - like close to two years.  Well, I mentioned to Ryan that I had this camera and that it was broken and he said, "Let me have a look at it."  That boy had a look at it all right -- and knew exactly what to do.  Within 15 minutes he had it working just like new!! 

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