Friday, December 16, 2011

She's a Runner!

She did it!  On December 5th Layne ran the 1/2 Marathon in Las Vegas! 

There were over 40,000 people running and to say that it was an overcrowded chaotic zoo would be an understatement.   We walked her to the start line and then left to stand along the street.  Finding her in that mob of people was like looking for a needle in a haystack -- impossible!  The only thing that saved us were the automatic cell phone texts we signed up for in advance.  Without them, we would have had no clue as to how she was doing. 

As we stood amongst thousands of people at the finish line waiting for her to cross, it became clear to me that each of those runners has  a story.  Sure, there are those who just plain like to run, but I believe that for many of them this accomplishment symbolizes victory over some sort of challenge in life -- be it physical or mental.  For us, it symbolizes how very far this little fighter of ours has come in running the race of life.  Her goal was to run the whole thing without stopping or walking in less than 2 1/2 hours.  She did it!  What a thrill to celebrate with her!!
"And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus..."  Hebrews 12