Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sewing Projects for Christmas

This was intended to be included in my end-of-the-year "catch-up" posts, but at the last minute I realized not all of the gifts had been received yet, so I'd better hold off.  Well, they finally have all found their new homes, so here's what kept me so busy...
What do you give someone when you don't know what to give them and you're mad at Omaha Steaks for calling your house too late in the evening and waking you from a sound sleep?  Well, you give them shoe bags, that's what you give 'em.  I sent these to my Dad and Fern and told them that if they didn't know what they were they would need to call me.  Yep, they called.  :)  They travel a lot and since they didn't know what they were, seems pretty obvious they needed them, wouldn't you say?

Layne uses the "cash envelopes" method for staying on budget, so I made her these little envelopes to replace the ratty old paper ones she carried in her wallet...

Jaclyn asked for a date book that had very specific features.  I found one, but it had no cover, so I made this one for her.  I used fusible vinyl on this project to help protect it from leaky sippy cups and bottles in her purse :)

I first saw this fabric at Strawberry Patches many months ago and fell in love with it.  It just tickled me.

For a few months I wracked my brain trying to think up a fun project for this fabric, but my brain failed me.  Then one day when I was in the shop, I noticed that the bolt was getting very small and I knew I needed to act soon or it would be an opportunity lost.  So with no project in mind, I bought 2 yards.  It sat on my sewing table for another month until the light finally went on :)  And then before I knew it, I was back in there and bought everything that was left on that bolt so that I could finish these up!  I started by making these lingerie/laundry bags for travel for my shoe girls -- and since we often travel together, I used four different colored fabrics for the linings and the zippers so they wouldn't get mixed up. 
Then after I finished those bags, I figured my sisters would like these bags, too -- so I made two more for them.  And Layne had already picked which fabric she would like for the lining in her bag, so I made a bag for Layne and then one for Jaclyn, too.  So after 8 laundry/lingerie bags, I'm all bagged out!
And since Caryn's birthday is just 5 days after Christmas, I decided to make her a pair of shoe bags to match.
Then just a few days before Christmas -- Layne decided "she" would sew an Apron for her friend Cory.  Well, this is how Layne sews...
Yep, she watches Mom sew :)  But I have to tell you, this was one of the most fun nights of sewing I've ever had.  These girls popped in for dinner and then sat in the sewing room -- oh, I mean in Hubby's office and visited while I sewed that apron for Cory -- they were my encouragers and moral support!  It was just like the old days, having all the girls hang out -- fun times!  Anyway, here's the apron...
That's it.  Now I need to get busy sewing for that new baby girl of ours -- she's due the end of February and that'll be here before we know it!


Nancy said...

SO glad I was on your list!! I love my lingerie bag!

Katie said...

A good picture of Denise, Susan, and Layne together...although, those flowers look like they are coming straight out of Denise's head!

Colette said...

You're right, Katie -- those flowers do look like they are coming straight out of Denise's head! Pretty funny!

The Harr's said...

LOVE it!