Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year's Resolution

We had no zweibach at Thanksgiving and no zweibach at Christmas this year, and I missed them.  In fact, we didn't have zweibach at Christmas or Thanksgiving last year, either.  The more I thought about it, the more I missed them and then it dawned on me that if we're going to have zweibach around here, I'm going to have to make them. 
I've attempted them once or twice but never really had great success.  Last time I made them was many years ago and the husband didn't even acknowledge them as zweibach, he called them turtles -- because the tops slid off during baking and they came out looking like turtles with no legs. 
So this weekend I decided it was time to give it another try.  I mixed up the dough and let it rise while Avery was napping, but once she woke up and saw what I was up to, she was all in!

All I know is that I was determined that this batch wouldn't come out looking like turtles -- so we smashed the tops down really well!  The result -- well, if you look really closely you can see that there is a top and a bottom; presentation definitely has room for improvement!  But apparently we did a pretty good job in the taste category.  Avery took her first bite and Pops said, "Is it good?"  She quickly replied, "Yeah, I made it!"

I'm not one for making New Year's Resolutions, but I'm determined to master this and by next holiday season, we're going to have zweibach -- decent, respectable-looking, delicious zweibach at the Krause House!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh, the memories you are making with Miss Avery! I bet they tasted the BEST.