Monday, January 24, 2011

For the Birds...

Where has time gone?  I can't believe we're in the last week of January -- seems like just yesterday that I was all blogged up! 

Well, let's see... since my last post I've had a slumber party at my house for the high school girls, made a quick shopping trip to Valencia, had a baby shower at my house for Jaclyn and Baby Girl Krause, had several play dates and a sleepover with Avery, and done the usual work and church stuff -- all WITHOUT A CAMERA!  I had good intentions for pictures of all of these things -- but it just didn't happen.

I did get my camera out after the fact, though, to take pictures of my birds.  I had some Christmas money and Lisa needed to go to Valencia to pick up something she had ordered, so Layne and I tagged along for the ride.  Well, okay, so we did more than ride :) 

A couple years ago I started adding red birds to my Christmas decorations -- they make me smile.  And now over the last few months I've picked up a little "every day" bird here and there.  But on our trip to Valencia I just kind of went a little crazy for the birds and it's quite possible you could describe my family room as an aviary.    So, here's my new collection...
Forgive the view -- it's above eye level and I was too lazy to get the bench

 This could be my favorite -- the colors are perfect to go on the wall between my kitchen and family room

No, wait -- I think is my favorite.  He needs a name, though - hmmmm.

I'll have to think of a name.


Anonymous said...

Orville seems to be popping out at me!
Kathy D

Nancy said...

Hmmm...Orville is good. Or, maybe their names all need to start with "K".

LN said...

I think birds do bring a smile. I like them in the house, too. Not live ones though. It kind of gives me the creeps to have a live one inside. I used to collect them for the Christmas Tree, so I have all sizes, shapes & colors of birds for the tree.