Friday, December 31, 2010

Trick or Treat

I know I already showed pictures of the princess dress, but this was Avery's first official time to trick or treat (she was sick last year) and it was too cute to forget. 
While she was napping that afternoon, I got a look at the treat bag she was going to carry that night and just couldn't stand it -- what princess would have an orange and black bag with a blue gown?  So out of scraps I quickly whipped up this little bag for her.  And true to form, her reaction did not disappoint -- she took one look at that bag and said, "That match my outfit!" 
And now that she was properly outfitted, it was time for some treat-or-treat training...
Trick-or-Treat Training Take 1:

Trick-or-Treat Training Take 2:

Trick-or-Treat Training Take 3:

Being a Grammy to this little thing is more fun than one should be allowed to have!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

She is a doll. I'm having fun getting to know her at church.