Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Winter Scarf for Pennies on the Dollar!

Andrew, Jaclyn & Avery have officially relocated to Bakersfield -- and it's as if they think they've come to the North Pole!  Having lived in Hollywood for the last five years they had become quite comfortable with their mild weather, but with the purchase of some warmer clothes they are adjusting.  Jaclyn wanted a scarf for Avery, but everything I found was either too big or covered with Dora the Explorer, SpongeBob or -- well, you get the idea.  Then it dawned on me that I was making this much too difficult.  After examining a few in the women's department, I headed to the fabric store and sent her home that afternoon with an assortment of these little no-sew gems.  For just a little over $5.00 in fabric, I made a set of 3 scarfs for Ave and 3 more for a little friend. 

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