Friday, December 31, 2010

In a Pickle

As always, we continued the traditional "pickle hunt" in the Christmas tree this year. It was never this competitive when my mom did it -- whoever got there first usually browsed through the tree until they found the pickle and they were awarded the prize. Mom's prize was usually a game -- a card game or a board game.
Well, at some point I started using cash instead of a gift for the prize and my kids are apparently not as complacent as we were. We have rules. Rules like you can't hunt for the pickle until everybody's there; and you can't reach into the tree with your hands until you have spotted the pickle. Seems like every year we add a new rule and yet when it's all said and done, the winner somehow broke the rules and it wasn't fair and they hassle me about it for months to come.
So this year, I decided to go hard core on the pickle hunt. I figured I was going to make them really work for that prize and there would be no breaking the rules. So the first step in implementing my plan...

Ha! This should get them -- they'll be looking for a GREEN pickle, not a SILVER pickle!! And I won't even hide that sucker until they're all here -- I'll make them leave the room and then hide it. And if I see them breaking the rules, they will be sent to the penalty box for 1 minute.
I'll have you know that this year's pickle hunt was the longest hunt in Krause history -- it took 13 minutes for them to find that thing. And there was no cheating -- didn't even have to use the penalty box.

Yes, that is a pregnant woman standing atop the arm of the couch -- I'm telling you, this is serious stuff!
And the winner was..... Layne (sorry, missed the photo op).

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