Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Highlights

Just a few highlights from our Christmas this year...

Avery -- it was pure pleasure watching her open gifts.  She was in no hurry, enjoyed every minute of it and then took the time to thoroughly investigate each gift she opened before moving on to the next.  Among her favorites were the stick-on earrings and the princess purse with cell phone and keys. 

And yet when it was all said and done, what was she playing with?  Sally the dog.  This is a hand-me-down toy that my mom had at her house for the kids -- and it is absolutely Avery's favorite.  She never makes a visit to our house without playing with Sally the dog and Christmas Day was no exception.

My nephew (Jason) and his family were here from Maryland  -- what a treat it was to have Jason & Kaye, Rolly and Baby Eden here for Christmas! 

We spent the afternoon/evening at my sister and brother-in-law's home (Charis & Eric).  Eric barbecued New York steaks and we all pitched in to put together a very festive yet untraditional dinner -- it was a great time. 
It was like herding wet cats to get this gang to be still long enough for a picture.  I would love to have gotten a picture with the adults added in, but the boys were all out back at the barbecue and it just didn't happen.
First Cousins
Layne, Mallory, Ashlyn
Mike, Jason, Arryn, Andrew, Shawn
All the "Kids"
Layne, Avery, Mallory, Emma, Ashlyn
Kaye, Mike, Rolly, Jason, Eden, Arryn, Andrew, Jaclyn, Shawn
(And Jaclyn deserves a prize for achieving the impossible --
a smile (well, sort of) from Shawn for pictures!)


Anonymous said...

Nice pictures. Who is Jaclyn?

Aunt Ellen said...

I guess I became anonymous. Aunt Ellen

Colette said...

Jaclyn is the other daughter we have adopted -- also the mother of our granddaughter Avery and Baby Girl Krause due the end of February; and as soon as she and Andrew get married, she'll be our daughter-in-law, too! :)