Saturday, December 18, 2010

"I Busy"

That's one of Avery's favorite phrases.  When she's helping in the kitchen or when she's picking up her toys to put them away, she says, "I busy, Dammy." 

I don't know where the time has gone since my last post, but I busy!  For the past two months I've been helping to cover at work for a Buyer that retired and hasn't been replaced yet, so I busy at work.  On Thanksgiving weekend, Andrew, Jax and Avery moved home to Bakersfield (yay, yay, yay!), so I busy being "Dammy".  This weekend -- well, last night we had the Jr Hi Christmas Party in our home, tonight we have the High School Christmas Party in our home, and Sunday evening we've invited lots of friends over to celebrate Husband's successful completion of Semester 1 of Biblical Hebrew at The Master's Seminary (no little feat)! 

Not to worry, though -- vacation is coming.  I have pictures that were intended for posts -- I just never made it that far.  So one of my plans for vacation is to play catch-up on the blog.  Can't wait to get away -- we're taking our trailer and heading for the coast to try out a few new RV parks near Santa Barbara and Solvang.

In the meantime, I have parties to host, shopping to complete, sewing projects to finish up, sewing projects to start and finish, menus to plan for Christmas and three more days at work.  I busy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just curious . . . when are you 'not' busy????