Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Birthday Blessings

Yesterday was my birthday -- but because it was a work day for me, a school day for the Husband and a "work" night for him, too -- well, it was pretty much like any other day at the Krause House.  I mean, you could almost feel sorry for me having CupONoodles for dinner, EXCEPT that I received...
7 phone calls wishing me a Happy Birthday
6 cards sent to wish me a Happy Birthday
5 email notes sent to wish me a Happy Birthday
39 Facebook messages wishing me a Happy Birthday
1 Birthday Balloon
Cupcakes at Bible Study with Friends
Lunch with Sister
3 Brighton Charms
Walking foot for my sewing machine
Ruffler foot for my sewing machine
Cooling pad for my laptop
A Christmas Pillow (that I coveted at the time it was purchased because I thought my friend was buying it for herself!)

I'd say I'm a pretty lucky girl -- blessed beyond measure for sure! 

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