Monday, January 18, 2010

Back to School!

Last Thursday was Danny's first day of school!  He was recenly accepted into The Master's Seminary in Sun Valley and will be working toward a Diploma of Theology.   So goodbye hunting shows and hello homework!  (Although he's determined to make time for "24")  He's very excited and I'm thrilled for him.

I made him pose for a 'First Day of School' picture.  Dress code is slacks, dress shirt and tie -- he wouldn't put on his tie for the pic -- didn't want to wear it for the drive down. 

Added Bonus: The seminary is just 10 minutes from Andrew & Jaclyn -- so he will occasionally get to sneak in a visit with Avery while he's there. And since he has class on Thursday, I'm thinking we might just be able to swing a deal for Ave to come home with Pops on Thursday night before my Friday off and have a sleepover at Grammy's!


Katie said...

First day of school pictures are a must...I make John take one every year. Good job to Danny for going to seminary...that's fantastic!

Just added you to my blog roll, guess I didn't know/remember you had a blog. Now I won't forget :)

Melissa Ens said...

I did the same thing back last Fall when Lowell started in his Master's classes at Fresno State. : )

I'm over here on your blog at the moment to check and see how you're doing with your scripture memorizing! : ) Hope more than anything else that you don't give up!!! : )