Monday, January 18, 2010

Being Creative -- It's Good for the Soul

A few weeks ago, Katie wrote on her blog, "I've come to realize that I best express my love and appreciation for others through creating."  I had never really thought about it that way before but when I read Katie's words I immediately thought, "Yeah, me too!" 
Last Saturday, Jared & Megan got married.  A few different times while they were at our home for premarital counseling, Megan commented on my "K"s -- and after their last session she mentioned that she might do "E"s.  That's where I got the idea to make their wedding gift. 
I made my big "K" several years ago -- so I decided to make a smaller version of an "E" for Jared and Megan. 
It doesn't matter how I'm feeling -- when I'm able to be creative, it makes me feel better!  I hope they like their "E" -- I loved making it.


Anonymous said...

Very nice! I am sure they will love it. You may have to help an uncreative friend make a "D" for her new living room. :)


Denise Feil said...

Colette, I love the "E". You know what, I think people really love receiving the creativity. I know that is what I feel about what Katie makes.

Katie said...

Love it Colette! Not sure how I missed this post, but I'm just now seeing it. I too collect "W's" and love to give last name itials as wedding gifts. Great minds think alike I guess :) (Although I've never done anything as cool as make an initial for someone...great idea!)