Sunday, December 16, 2012

12 Days of Christmas: Days 1-4

I decided to do 12 Days of Christmas for the husband this year - and I've just had a blast planning and putting it all together. Tradition says that the 12 days starts on Christmas Day, but I started last Thursday, 12 days BEFORE Christmas.  Clear your throat and sing along -- the song is in the right side of the pictures...
A key to the house -- might sound kinda lame, but he was thrilled.  He hasn't had a house key for quite some time -- gave it to one of the kids -- and I've listened to him moan about it numerous times.  He loved his 1st Day of Christmas -- told me it was going to be hard to beat.

Two thermal shirts -- practical and needed.  He doesn't get overly excited about clothes -- but he appreciated these -- and wore one the day he got them.

Three fluid ounces -- well, okay, technically it was a little more than that -- 3.4 to be exact.  He hasn't worn cologne for several years - so I decided it was time.  After three outings to select a scent, I was afraid he might be getting suspicious because I came home each time smelling like men's cologne.  By the end of the third trip I had such a headache from all the smells that I finally quit smelling and went with the name -- and this one made me laugh, so it was the winner.  Lucky You!

Four ballpoint pens.  You know how pens are -- they disappear off a guy's desk right into a girl's purse.  What can I say?  He needed these -- because I haven't cleaned out my purse in a while. 
Check back later for more -- tomorrow is Day 5.


LN said...

Colette, you do know that the 12 days of Christmas start on Dec 25 and end on Jan 6, don't you?

Colette said...

Aunt LN -- yes, I know. Look back at Day 1 -- I mentioned that it's supposed to start on Dec. 25, but I decided to do 12 days BEFORE Christmas.