Sunday, November 13, 2011

Weekend Projects

For my birthday, my husband bought me a counter and some cabinets for my sewing machine.  This prompted "Project: Study/Sewing Room Cleanup, Declutter & Organize".  Believe me, easier said than done!  It's coming along quite well, but I'm saving the pictures for the big reveal.  Last weekend I worked on the cleanup and declutter.  My cabinets are now in place and functional, and this weekend I made a valance for the window.  I have a few more things to finish, then I'll have the big reveal.  In the meantime, I'll be working on the pride issues involved with showing the before pictures.  Amazing how two people can make such a mess -- well, okay, actually it was mostly all my mess.  How does that saying go -- creativity is  messy or something like that -- yeah, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!
I also did a little problem solving today. 
Here's the problem:  I can no longer see this...

without these...

  But don't be confused, those are not the same as these...
Which means that if I want to play this...
I must remember to bring those; and it seems like the only way I remember to bring those is if I keep them in my purse.  But having to carry those in my purse is a hassle because the only time I need them is for that, so here's my solution to this problem:

I'm pretty pleased with my smart self for coming up with that one!
I also made a Strawberry Shortcake pillow case for Avery this afternoon, but Pops got so excited about having an excuse to take a break from his homework so that we could go deliver it that I forgot to take a picture.  Goodbye Dora, Hello Strawberry Shortcake -- she loved it.

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