Sunday, November 13, 2011

Fighter Verse 1:42

I'm getting excited -- I'm closing in on the end of Year 1 of the Fighter Verses and I'm still hanging in there.  Some weeks are harder than others, but overall it's getting easier to memorize.  I have thoroughly enjoyed the challenge and don't intend to stop at the end of year 1.  Although I didn't start until the end of January, I'm planning to finish by the end of December.  The last section of verses for the year is Psalm 23 - which I already have memorized, so I can finish at the end of the year and start Year 2 at the beginning of January.

If you're not sure you can do this or that you want to do this, why not give it a trial run by starting now and finishing the year with me!  This week's verse is about as easy as they get -- and we'll finish the year with Psalm 23, so this would be a great time to start.  I'd love to have some company!   

Here we go -- this week's verse...
"My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent."  Proverbs 1:10

Are you in?  You can do it!

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