Saturday, November 26, 2011

Truth in the Tinsel - An Advent Experience for Little Hands

This post is for my Grammy friends (a gift idea) and to you moms of young children.
 I came across this while browsing Pinterest last night and I got so excited in reading the reviews that I forgot to take advantage of the $2.99 Black Friday offer.  But I splurged the $4.99 this morning and am "gifting" it to Jaclyn - she loves to do crafts with Avery and I think they will enjoy it...
You can purchase the ebook here
You can also find some reviews and other information by searching "Truth in the Tinsel" on facebook. 
My project today is to put the supplies for each day's activity into a little gift bag and number them -- and this will become the advent calendar.  I already have many of the materials on hand and I think I can get almost everything I don't already have at the Dollar Store.  If you're interested, leave a comment and I will be happy to share the materials with you.  These crafts only require 1 or 2 of things that come by the bag or dozen.  If you are interested and live close to me, I'll be happy to share my materials with you to make your kits, too. 

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