Sunday, October 23, 2011

Precious Moments

These are just some random pictures of precious moments we've had with the girls in the past few weeks...
It NEVER gets old! We always know it's going to be the first request when they get here - and many times it's hard for Avery to say "Hi" before she's asking to swing. And Pops NEVER says no. Doesn't matter what he's in the middle of, he will stop and go outside to swing. We recently added a second swing because one was not cuttin' it around here.

When we left for the beach last week, Kinsley was on her hands and knees, rocking and giving some serious thought to the forward motion.  When we returned one week later, she was crawling to the nearest object so that she could pull herself up into a stand AND she had two teeth.

And we wonder why we're exhausted after they leave?

Apparently it's not enough that she's learning to write the English letters - he thinks she needs to learn Hebrew, too!

One of our favorite parts of a sleepover is reading stories.  Avery loves the Monster Books (below), but recently "The Cat in the Hat" has become a favorite, too.
My mom was a school librarian and these books were in her Jr High library for beginner readers.  When they were discarded by the school district, we inherited them.  I'm missing a few from the series, but Avery loves them and we read the entire series almost every times she's here.

This Grammy cannot look at this face without melting!

Another favorite - playing a game of Fancy Nancy!

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