Sunday, October 23, 2011

New Life for an Old Chair

It's been so long since I've blogged about projects I'm working on or other fun stuff, that I wasn't sure where to start, but this was one of the oldest pictures that popped up on my camera, so here goes...
When Avery was little I bought this nifty hook-on seat.  It worked pretty well, although as you can see for a real little one it doesn't quite sit high enough.  Since they were only here occasionally, we made it work.

But now with the kids living in town, they are here much more often and that seat really isn't so great for little Kinsley; and Avery still likes to sit in it, so I needed to find a new solution for Kins.  So I told the husband that I needed to hit some yard sales to see if I couldn't find a decent high chair -- and that's when he said, "You've got a high chair up in the garage."  I had no memory at all of having saved that thing, so with great excitement I said, "Oh, let's get it down!" (meaning, 'honey, will you get it down?')  I was so excited, until I pulled the garbage-bag cover off and saw this...

One of the things I liked most about this chair when my kids were little was that the casters made it very easy to move around.
 Pretty disgusting!  Obviously, 23+ years wrapped in a garbage bag up in the rafters of the hot garage aren't the ideal conditions for preserving white plastic!  I grabbed a scrub brush and some Soft Scrub and had at it -- but nothing changed.  I was able to get most of the stain in the tray out by rubbing it with a paste of baking soda and bleach, but that same mixture did nothing for the seat portion.  

So I headed to the hardware store.  Two quick coates of spray paint for plastic and voila! - new life for an old chair!

(There's a better picture of the chair below, but I couldn't resist posting this one - since she's really the new life for the old chair!)  I also replaced the old Winnie the Pooh fabric panel with some new fabric and clear vinyl.

I'm pretty happy with the way it all turned out. 

No surprise that big sister thought she needed to try it out, too.  I love the look on Kinsley's face in this picture -- like "Hey, what are you doing in my chair?"

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Wow! You did a great job on the chair--tres chic!