Monday, September 12, 2011

Up in Smoke!

The husband's laptop went up in smoke a few hours ago.  Seriously.  Up in smoke!  It wasn't  pretty.  Smelled even worse.  Put simply, he's distraught.  It's dead. 
Gone are his homework assignments that are due tomorrow -- Scriptures he translated from Hebrew to English.  With a Greek quiz to study for, no time to re-do the Hebrew homework.  Being the smart man that he is, he should be able to recover almost everything else that was saved on his computer because he has Carbonite protection, but those homework assignments for tomorrow were just completed today and probably won't be on the Carbonite backup.
I'm being very quiet and basically not saying much.  No words are usually better than the wrong words.  But in my head (in my head - silently - not out loud!) I'm singing "God is good all the time, all the time God is good."  Yesterday's sermon was about The Goodness of God and the choir sang that song.  I'm not seeing the goodness in this situation just yet, but I suppose an object lesson in our lives is on the horizon.
Today we attended the funeral for both of Jim Wanke's parents - their lives were taken by a house fire.  It was encouraging to visit with the family this afternoon and to hear how they have seen God's goodness this past week.  The Wanke family's loss helps keep the loss of a laptop in perspective.

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