Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday Night Supper

For weeks now I've been trying to get my husband to Tutti Frutti Yogurt, but it just hasn't happened.  Oh, I've been there, but I wanted him to go - because it's always more fun when someone else shares your passion.  We've been to all the other yogurt places in town, but in my opinion, this is the best.  So we went for a walk this evening and then took a little drive across town so that he could experience the magic.  Actually, I think he only went so that he could finally say he's tried it and wasn't impressed -- and so I would quit nagging him.  Too bad, though -- he liked it.  He was impressed.  Pomegranate yogurt with raspberries and strawberries - yum!  Add a few chopped almonds on top - double yum!!  I've now had this stuff for lunch, for dinner, for a mid-afternoon snack -- 'cause I'm pretty sure yogurt is good for you and I'm all about being healthy all the time.  I think it makes a really good Sunday Night Supper. 
I also tried a little dab of the cappucino yogurt and a taste of the vanilla yogurt - but I'm all about the tart stuff.  It's a good thing this place is clear across town and not on my normal path of travel because I'm not sure my car could pass by without stopping. 


Colleen said... of my favorite spots for lunch. Can't believe I haven't seen you. My fav flav is the Original toppings! I also like the Cherry and Banana!

Colette said...

I agree - my overall fav would be the original tart -- but have you tried the pomegranate? It's delish!