Saturday, July 30, 2011

How to See Your Grandbabies Every Day

Over the past few weeks, I have discovered not one, but two ways in which to see my grandbabies every day!  Now, before you call me genius, I should tell you that I didn't plan for either of these - they just happened.  But if you're like me, one can never see those babies too often, so I've decided to share my tips with you.

1.  Lend them your car when theirs breaks down! 

Jaclyn's car has been undergoing some repairs for the last several weeks and since Avery has been taking swimming lessons, Jaclyn borrowed my car so that they could get there every day.  Picking me up at 7:00am and driving me to work was a better alternative than her driving Andrew to work at 5:00am, so she picked me up for work every morning then brought me home after work every evening.  Even the short drive to and from work is made better when you get to see those adorable faces in the back seat!

Well, they got their car back on Thursday and I was a little sad - having my babies greet me every morning and every day after work was pretty nice.   As it turns out, though, I had been unknowingly working on a new plan to see those babies every day...

2.  Brew up a batch of iced coffee and don't share the recipe! 

A few weeks ago, Kelly mentioned on her blog that she had made this recipe for iced coffee.  That iced coffee has been on my mind ever since.  I had iced cappucino several times while we were in Guatemala -- an expensive habit that I have not allowed myself to start here at home -- so I decided to give that recipe a try.  Once I had my iced coffee base, I experimented with all different kinds of 'additives' until I nailed it -- yep, just like Starbucks, baby! 
Well, it just so happens that the mommy of my grandbabies LOVES to treat herself to an iced cappucino from Starbucks, and all it took was one glass of my 'free' mixture and she was hooked!  And do you know what?  Hasn't been a day gone by yet that she hasn't called and said, "Mammas, can I stop by for a cappucino?" 
If the neighbors would cooperate and let us move the fence over a little, she could drive right up to my kitchen window -- but then I wouldn't get to love on my babies, would I?


Nancy said...

Yummmmm! Do you make a decaf version???? Clever plan, my friend!

Melissa Ens said...

Ha ha! : ) I love it! So nice when things work out that way.