Sunday, July 24, 2011

Guatemala Mission Trip

I had the best intentions of journaling throughout our trip to Guatemala -- but it didn't happen.  The closest I got was sending daily email updates  to our church prayer chain - and those were pretty brief.  I wish I would have had the time to document the emotions I felt every day because I don't know if I can remember them all or adequately express them at this point.  We saw so much and experienced so many different things - and the range of emotions that went with those experiences was vast.  

I can tell you that one of the emotions I was overwhelmed with during the trip was that of thankfulness.  Thankful that I have the privilege of serving beside my husband with such a great group of adult leaders and kids; thankful for my job - which gives me enough vacation time each year that I can use part of it for ministry and still have time off for family vacations; thankful for a church family and friends who continually uphold us in prayer and give us so much encouragement; thankful for being raised in a Christian home and always knowing that Jesus loves me; thankful for God's mercy and grace - for a life that is so easy and privileged in comparison to what I've seen over the past few weeks; thankful for the way God has gifted us all differently and for the opportunity to witness how those gifts are being used for His glory. 

My body is tired but my heart is full.  I am blessed beyond measure. 

1 comment:

LN said...

I'm glad your trip was successful. We just learned about it last week when we spent a day with your Dad & Fern. Guess I hadn't read your blog lately.

Wehad a very good visit, they picked us up on Wednesday morning & we drove up to Huntington & spent the day with Geri & Vic and Mark & Cindy. Wish we could have spent more time with all of them.