Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Girls' Room

This is the  bedding I made for the girls' bedroom.  I finished it before Kinsley was born (in February), but Avery was still sleeping in the crib back then, so the bedding for the crib has been up in the closet - waiting for Avery to move into the big-girl bed and Kinsley to graduate to the crib.  Well, we're half way there -- Avery is in the big-girl bed both for naps and nighttime, and I believe Miss Kinsley will be moving into the crib shortly.
Andrew hasn't adjusted the crib for the baby yet -- once he does that, then we can add the crib skirt (which is stripes - just like the big-girl bed)

Avery's big-girl bedspread came from Penneys -- but I made her bedskirt and pillow sham to match...

Sham -- where's the sham?  Apparently, Avery didn't want the sham in this picture.

Then I made their names to hang on the wall -- this is my favorite part and was by far the most fun to make.  I got the idea for these banners here ...

Here's a few close-ups of the individual letters...

So much fun playing with all the different ribbons, trims, fabrics and accessories...

Next step was to cover the windows.  Jaclyn wanted something heavy enough to block out the light -- you know, something conducive to long naps and an early bedtime.  I found these light-blocking drapes at Lowe's - and they matched perfectly.  We added the flowers at the top -- because the white rings had some ugly gold clips that we wanted to cover...

We're working on an idea for a few wallhangings on the sides of the window, but haven't settled on a final project yet.  Nothing too permanent, because this is a rental, but I'm sure we'll come up with something.


Katie said...

I really like those letters a lot! Very sweet.

Scott and Malisa Johnson said...

Love! What a fabulous room!

The Harr's said...

wow Colette! When are you coming to decorate Liam's room?!?!