Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sewing Projects

I'm on a mission to finish projects previously started -- even if "started" means nothing more than having bought the fabric.  I've had stacks of fabric on my table with intended purposes, and I decided I just need to get 'em done before buying more for something new; and I'm happy to say that I've made great progress!  I can't show you what I've worked on all weekend because they are gifts -- but I can say that I'm prepared for birthdays through July at this point -- and that makes me smile. 
And no, I haven't posted pictures of the girls bedding and other things I made for their room yet, either.  I'm waiting until I've put the finishing touches on their room -- which will hopefully be next weekend.  All their bedding is done, wall hangings are hung, and now I'm just working on a few more pieces of "artwork" to finish it off.  Jaclyn and I did put the bedding on the crib to see how it looks, but then we took it right back off.  You see, Kinsley is sleeping in a bassinet and Jaclyn is still using the crib to "cage" Avery at naptime.  That makes me laugh because I remember what it was like making the transition from crib to bed with my kids and I can't blame her one little bit!  In that last month of pregnancy, she needed the nap more than Avery and needed to know that she could close her eyes and really rest once she put Avery down; and now with Kinsley up several times during the night, she still needs the nap and just isn't ready to fight that battle yet. 
One of the unfinished projects that I started today is bedding for my guest bedroom -- aka Layne's old room -- aka the beauty shop room.  I ordered fabric yesterday for the bedskirt and started piecing together the bed scarf this afternoon.  I'm going to do the happy dance when I finally get that room finished!

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