Friday, July 2, 2010

Birthday Anticipation!

Avery is on her way -- should be here any minute!  So about 15 minutes ago I thought, "Oh, I should put the birthday flag out."  The birthday flag... do I have a birthday flag?  I thought I had a birthday flag... Well, I don't know if I ever had one or not but if I did, it's gone.  So I quickly grabbed some scraps and threw this thing together -- no close-ups here because I was literally running around trying to get it done before they drive up in the driveway and it is definitely not one of my better works of art -- but it has given me inspiration for a few new flags to come in the future.

Last night I made this little apron for her.  Don't even ask how I talked him into this -- not quite sure myself...


Anonymous said...

You simply AMAZE me!

Katie said...

I LOVE it. I have one of those flag holders too, but personally I can't stand any of the flags that you can buy to go with it. I never thought to make my own. I may have to copy your idea. Thanks!

Malisa said...

Ooohhhh Danny looks so ultra fab in Avery's apron, I think you need to make him one of his own!

I also think your flag looks wonderful! I'm amazed that you did it so quickly! Love the cupcakes with the candles.

Nancy said...

Isn't the reason he's wearing the apron says "Avery"!! Wait til she's 15 and says, "Pops, I think I'm going to need a car."