Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Misery Loves Company

This is another post from my blackberyy, so please excuse typos and any lack of punctuation.  It's bad enough with the little keyboard, but right now I can hardly see...
Today about noon my left eye felt a little irritated. By 1 o'clock it was oozing, so I went to see the nurse at work. She rinsed it out with saline and told me I should be seen by the doctor today.
So I went back to my desk and called Kaiser. Talked to the triage person and she said I would receive a call back within 2 hours. Two hours is a long time when your eye is irritated.
At 4:30 I finally got a call back. Yep, sounds like pink eye, but Kaiser doesn't prescribe meds without a dr visit. So now my choices are to see my dr at 9:40 in the morning or go to Kaiser urgent care. Well by now I can barely hold my eyes open. They are oozing yellow gunk and I am miserable! No way I'm waiting until tomorrow morning.
I leave work and make my way to urgent care. Great -- its a 2-hour wait!
I feel rotten - I really would like to just go home and crawl into bed. I decide to go wait in the car vs sit in a waiting room and infect all those sick people with pink eye. It was about this time I realize this is my perfect opportunity to call my younger sister to chat. We are both so busy and its been a very long time since we've had a good heart to heart. It was so good to catch up and 45 minutes of my 2-hr wait were gone.
I then decided to go inside. After washing my eyes with warm water in the bathroom, I made my way to the waiting room. My name was called within just a few minutes and soon the physician's asst came in and within minutes I had my prescription in hand.
A 20-minute wait in the pharmacy now and then I should be on my way home. Looks like I have a day off work tomorrow - doctor's orders!
I'm feeling miserable and look even worse but very thankful for the interruption in my busy schedule and the opportunity to visit with my sis. It's been a good day.

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