Tuesday, December 1, 2009

30 Years!

Today is our 30th Wedding Anniversary! 

I had no idea what a gem I was marrying that day...
I have the most wonderful husband there is!
I am truly blessed!!


Melissa Ens said...

I think I might remember that wedding! : ) Do you remember if we were there or not? I would have been 7...

Either way, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You know how amazing and wonderful that is... : )

And while I'm here, I have to say I loved your scuba diving post. It made me cry, but I didn't have time to leave a comment - and didn't know what I would even say if I did. I just loved it. : ) Thanks for sharing and for your prayers!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I think you are one great couple.
Wishing you many more years together.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Love, Laura