Friday, November 27, 2009


We had a great Thanksgiving Day!  We gathered at Charis & Eric's home out in the country.  The sight and smell of freshly-cut hay bordering their yard made it feel just like home.  This was their first time hosting a family holiday gathering because their other house couldn't accomodate all of us -- and they did a fine job!  Eric deep fried the turkey and it was absolutely delicious!  The only thing missing -- Jason and family (in South Carolina).

We took pictures in shifts because we weren't all there at the same time.  Curt & Susan left before Ashlyn got home from work and we couldn't get all the little ones to cooperate at the same time, but here we are...

Eric, Charis, Susan, Curt, Colette, Danny, Caryn, Tom, Fern & Dad

The sibs -Charis, Colette,Curt &Caryn

The Cousins
Ashlyn, Arryn, Layne, Andrew, Shawn, Avery, Mallory, Mike

The Grandkids
Keira (Curt's Granddaughter) and Emma (Caryn's Granddaughter)
(Avery was not cooperating --  so she's in the cousin pic)

My gang -- Avery, Jaclyn, Layne, Andrew, Mike

My dad is still going through storage -- things from our childhood and he brought this little dog -- something we all played with.  Avery is OBSESSED with dogs -- so this was a big hit!

We had a great day!

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