Saturday, July 14, 2012

SOAR Utah Mission Trip 2012 - Days 2 and 3

We arrived at the ranch yesterday afternoon, about 40 minutes outside of Salt Lake City. Elevation is about 5500 feet and I have to say its one of the nicest camp facilities we've ever stayed at. We'll leave here tomorrow morning and head for Draper, where we will spend the next week.
When we arrived there was this beautiful lodge on our right and two large teepees on the left. Bailey looked at me with the most pitiful face and with dread in her voice said, "Colette, I don't want to sleep in a teepee.". I cupped her face in my hands and said "Bailey, we'll sleep wherever they tell us to sleep.". I can't describe the look on her face but if you know Bailey you can probably picture it.
So needless to say, when we got into bed last night and shared our thorns and roses of the day, Bailey wanted to go first. Her thorn was the thought that she might have to spend the next two nights in a teepee; her rose was finding out that we would be staying in the nice lodge. For most of us, our rose was the moose that walked through camp in the afternoon.
Our time here has been spent in sessions to prepare us for our week ahead. By the end of tonight we will have had about 8 sessions of worship and lecture with free time and meals in between.
I have pictures on my camera that I'll post later - blogging via phone and can't upload from camera.

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