Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

 I made these skirts for the girls using The Pebbles Skirt pattern which I found in a blog post called Ten Girly Skirt Tutorials You Don't Want to Miss.  They were really a lot of fun to make -- very simple and pretty quick.   Snapping a quick shot of them in their skirts sounds easy enough -- but it took a full effort on the part of Layne, Jaclyn and I and there isn't a single picture that really shows a good view.  And when we were all finished, we discovered that Avery's underskirt (the tulle part) had accidentally gotten tucked into her leggings, so it doesn't show at all!  Oh, well, so much for the skirts -- I think the models are pretty darned cute!  There are probably too many pictures here, but to steal some words from Katie, I'm the Grammy and I think they're all cute.

 Kinsley got her hands on Avery's juice and discovered she could drink out of a straw!

This is my favorite -- Kinsley is none too happy that we took the juice away and Avery thinks it's pretty funny.  Hard to believe that in just 10 days our little peanut aka our little schmug will celebrate her 1st Birthday!


Jenny said...

I loved Avery's skirt so much when I saw it at Cubbies. Super cute!

Katie said...

Cute skirts & cute girls :)