Friday, August 19, 2011

A Rough Day

Doesn't this sweet thing look just pitiful?  (Well, they're both sweet - but I'm referring to the one on the right as pitiful.)  It's been a rough day...
 Yep, that's a broken leg...
They went to the street faire last night.  Andrew and Avery went down one of those bouncy-house slides.  Not sure I'm clear on all the details, but Avery's slide came to an abrupt stop - Andrew went over the top - he thought he heard a pop and was prepared for the worst...
She didn't cry, though -- just 'yelped' and said it hurt a little.  Right at first it seemed like maybe it wasn't broken - so they went home and put some ice on it -- and she went to sleep.  But a few hours later, she woke up and was in some pretty fierce pain.  She has a soft cast until they see the ortho specialist after the weekend.  Poor baby...


Nancy said...

Andrew hearing a pop gives me the chills!! Grammy needs to bring that baby special treats!
Praying for her!

Anonymous said...

Oooohhhh, makes me sad for little Avery. Just think she'll probably get a pretty, colorful cast.
Hope that she is feeling better soon.
Kathy D.

Colleen said...

Ahhh...poor Avery! I see visions of some special treats coming her way. Go Grammy!