Saturday, August 13, 2011


This is a busy weekend for us.  Yesterday we started at 8:00 in the morning by taking a group of our high school kids to Hurricane Harbor.  After a full day of fun in the sun, we were pretty tired when we got home at 9:00 last night. 
This morning we started at about 8:30 by taking delivery of the two most precious packages we could ever get!  Andrew & Jaclyn snuck off to Bass Lake for a short little getaway - so we'll have our little girls until tomorrow afternoon sometime. 
It's naptime, and I'm claiming victory right now - even if it is for only a few short moments -- because I've got them both sleeping at the same time!  
Kinsley takes two naps -- morning and afternoon; and Avery takes one nap (at least that's the goal for most days) and her nap is usually smack dab in the middle of Kinsley's two naps. 

Kudos to all you young moms who manage to keep your blogs current.  I totally understand when you choose to nap instead of blog! 
(My victory lasted all of 20 minutes -- now I'm going to go have an iced coffee and play a game of 'Fancy Nancy')

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