Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy Birthday, Avery Grace

Today our little Avery Grace turned 3 years old.  Seems like just yesterday that we came home from Hollywood very late on the night of July 3rd -- only to turn around and go back the very next morning because the kids couldn't stand that we had left and we just couldn't stand not being there.  The best word I could find to describe the feeling of being a Grammy at that time was intoxicating.  It hasn't changed.  No matter what else is going on in life, this little thing puts a smile on my face and makes my heart sing.
This afternoon Jaclyn and Avery came over to make cupcakes for the birthday party tomorrow -- so much fun we had!  We're having a Little Mermaid party and I expect that Avery will receive lots of lipstick.  That's been the standard answer she gives to anyone who asks what she wants for her birthday.  I'll share pictures after the party tomorrow. 


Colleen said...

Love your blog Colette. I finally began my own. Please read it and give me some hints as to how I can make it my own.

LN said...

That feeling will never change. No matter how many you have or how old they get. Enjoy!