Sunday, July 10, 2011

19 Kids and Counting...

Well, we are off to Guatemala - all 19 of us! Our group consists of 4 adults, 5 college students and 10 high school students. We had a smooth bus ride to LAX, made it through security and we're all checked in. We've had dinner and now were just hangin' out for our 1:30am flight to Guatemala. We will arrive in Guatemala at 8:00 in the morning and then have a short time to get settled and rest before we have orientation and start training at 2:00.
I'm told I will have access to a computer there and will try to post from there because at $1.99 per minute I have decided to disable internet on my phone.
I'm not looking forward to the all-night flight because I usually don't sleep unless I'm in bed, but my plan is to take some melatonin about an hour before takeoff and hope to sleep most of the way. I'll let ya know how that works for me.


Nancy said...

I'm praying for sweet dreams.
(Yes, I know what time it is...but I couldn't be praying for sweet dreams if I wasn't still awake.)

Anonymous said...

We were on our way home from Seal Beach and thought you all, then I saw the airport bus at 6:30p.m. on 99 before you hit I-5. Prayers were said for all and will continue to do so.
Kathy D.