Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Jewelry Box

I need a jewelry box.  I've had an idea in my head of what I wanted, but just haven't found it -- or if I did see something that worked, I wasn't willing to pay the price.  So when the husband headded out of town for the weekend, I headed to the craft store.  I love going to the craft store when there's no hurry -- when I can just browse til my heart's content.
So here's the situation -- this is my current jewelry box -- on a good day...
But more often than not, this is what it looks like...
So I purchased two of these.  It's a shadow box -- the door opens to the front.
First, I spray painted it white...
Then I put a glaze over it -- (I had this left over from a different project)...
I bought some trim molding and used the chop saw to cut it to fit inside the box - as little shelves...
I cut little notches to allow for the door to open and close...
I used the scroll saw for the little notch...
I found these little boxes in the bead section...
Those little boxes were exactly what I needed, except they were too deep to fit into my box.  So I sliced them in half with the scroll saw...
 Now you'll have to picture the next few steps in your own mind because I got busy crafting and forgot to take pictures.  I glued my little shelves into the box and then glued my sliced boxes onto the shelves and against the back of the box.  About this time, my husband came home -- perfect timing -- so he put the knobs on the doors and screwed the boxes into the wall.  All that and voila -- jewelry box! 
 The shadow boxes came with fabric-covered foam board as backing on the inside -- so I just used push pins to hang my necklaces.
 And I love that the glass doors will protect my jewelry from hairspray in the bathroom.
After last week's door disaster, I needed some success.  Love my new jewelry box!
Oh - and the doors -- more on the doors later.


Melissa Ens said...

Too cute and fun! But yes, you do need to let us know what happens/ed with the doors! : )

Nancy said...

Ooooo...you did a fine, fine job!! I really like that you can close the doors to keep dust out. My necklaces are on the walls of my closet, but no doors--no pics either (maybe later in the summer after the closet cleaning happens!)

LN said...

I thought it was good just having the hooks in the closet for the necklaces, but your idea is great. I really don't need a jewelry box because I have a fabulous on that Earl gave me for Christmas a few years ago.

Sally said...

whats a great idea and a fab tutorial, thanks for sharing