Friday, May 27, 2011

The Bachelor

My husband has been living in our travel trailer for the past two weeks in order to attend summer school.  He's in his last class at this very moment and will be on the road home soon.  He's had a grueling schedule - attending class from noon to 8:30, then homework.  While classes end tonight, he still has about six weeks of hard work until he calls it complete.  I think he has to read about a gazillion books and he has pages and pages to write - but I'm ready for him to be home! 
Last week I went down for a few days to attend his night class with him, which was a real treat.  It was nice to meet some of the men he has talked about being in class with  - and their wives, too. 
Anyway, when I got there, I opened the pantry in the trailer and pretty much just cracked up.  Here's what was in that cupboard...
Yep, that was two weeks worth of groceries for him.  Disgusting, I tell you!  I have a feeling I may be doing some cooking this weekend. 

1 comment:

LN said...

Quite the health food eater, isn't he? I came back on Friday after being gone for ten days & your uncle probably had a similar menu while I was gone.