Saturday, April 16, 2011


I'm not sure how we got away with it, but we got to take our little Avery to Disneyland last week all by ourselves -- just the three of us.  We had a completely wonderful time!  I guess getting old has its advantages -- because I'm not sure we've ever enjoyed Disneyland quite so much.  We had no agenda for the day, we were in no hurry, and knowing that it was just the three of us, our only purpose for the day was to do whatever Avery wanted to do.  Our last few trips to Disneyland have been anything but relaxing, as we went with our friends, the Johnsons; and Rodney's whole goal at Disneyland is to master the fast-pass system. 
And because our own daughter was never a "princess" kind of little girl, this was definitely a new experience for us.  The greater part of our day was spent in the princess area; in fact, my dear husband stood in line for well over an hour so that our little princess could have her own photo session with the Disney princesses.  Oh, the things we will do for our grandbabies, eh?
You gotta love these first few pictures... Avery is going through a stage where she doesn't want to cooperate for pictures -- she will look anywhere but where you want her to. 

 While Pops waited in the princess line, Avery got her face painted.  This was very serious business...
 Checking out the finished work in the mirror... She was pleased.
 The best words I can use to describe Avery's reaction to her very favorite of all -- Ariel -- is star struck.  She couldn't stop staring at her.  It was pretty cute...
 She wasn't so sure about Princess Tiana -- I think she was trying to figure out who she was...

 And she absolutely loved Belle's dress --

 Every time you mention the word "Disneyland", Avery says, "I want Minnie Mouse to hold me."  She almost got her wish -- I don't think they're allowed to "hold"...
 Her two favorites were the carousel and the teacups.  And we were like two crazies once the gates opened for us to enter -- so that we could get the exact horse/teacup she had picked out. (And no, we didn't whack any little kids out of our way while we ran to beat them there)

    Layne was a little disappointed in her dad when she saw the teacup pictures.  She said, "I think Dad has gone soft -- I remember not being able to hold my head up on those teacups because he spun them so fast."  I said, "Yes, he's gone soft -- and old; can't handle the dizzy like he used to!"  What a great day we had -- pure sweetness! 


Katie said...

That looks like so much fun! I can't wait until Henry is old enough to go and enjoy himself...although we probably won't be spending much time in the "princess" section of the park :)

Nancy said...

Awww...what a memory for you all! Just precious!