Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fighter Verse 1:1

You can't listen to much of John Piper without hearing about Fighter Verses - he relentlessly encourages his congregation to memorize Scripture.  Last week when I got home from work one evening there were two 3x5 binders on the counter and the cover said "Fighter Verses".  My husband (knowing me all too well) said, "I figure we could have a little friendly competition with this."  You know, he could use the conventional method of encouragement all day long and I would appreciate it and maybe join in; but to challenge me - well, bring it - game on!  I have to tell you that last year I set out to faithfully memorize Scripture on a regular basis, and hate to say that the sum total of verses memorized for the year was less than 10 -- okay, it was closer to 5. 
So I'm taking this challenge -- one verse per week.   This is day 1 of week 1 for us -- just getting started -- if you want to join us, jump on in.  I'm excited!  Fighter Verse Year 1/Week 1:
"Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations."  Deuteronomy 7:9

1 comment:

LN said...

Good luck with that. I have never been a memorizer of verses. I'm lucky to remember where they are. By the way, my identity comes up as LN on Blogger, so in case you don't know who it is I'm Aunt LN.