Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Baby Shower for Jen

We had a baby shower for Jen, the daughter of my dear friend, Nancy, on Sunday.  Nancy is in my accountability group, along with Colleen and Lisa.  What a privilege it was for the three of us to host a shower for Jen in preparation for Baby Yerkes! 

Colleen made "Best Baby Shower Punch" -- absolutely delicious -- and I made champagne cake (recipe in an earlier post below). Lisa did the games and shopped for prizes -- she is a good shopper!

I was nominated to bring the devotional for the shower. When I wrote it, I didn't think it was a tear jerker, but then when it was time to deliver, I got all choked up and could hardly speak.  The topic was prayer for our children -- something I have become very passionate about!


Susan Martinez said...

This is a great entry but I think you might want to review one thing... it was definitely not a bridal shower, but a baby shower indeed. It looks like you guys had a blast!!

Colette said...

I just did that to see if you were paying attention :) You passed!!